Page 2 - XLeather_Care
P. 2
Remove dust regularly with a soft, dry leather surfaces please use a leather
cloth. Microfiber wipes should not be cleaning agent from a specialist shop.
used as they degrease the surface. First carefully remove coarse-grained
Coarse-grained dirt (e.g. sand) can dirt to the middle of the stain. Then
be removed best with a soft brush apply the cleaner all over the area
or a vacuum cleaner with a suitable without excessive rubbing. Possibly
brush attachment. Also at locations repeat this step. Then wipe with a
with difficult access such as folds or damp cloth and distilled water and
crevices a vacuum cleaner should be let it dry (avoid direct sunlight).
used. Minor staining can be cleaned In case of heavy staining, which cannot
best with mild soapy water. Make sure be removed with a leather cleaning
that the leather is not too damped. agent, please contact the next specialist
Quarterly or in case of heavily soiled company.
Cleaners with chloride,
solvents, polishing or
chemical cleaning agents
etc. might harm the leather
and shall thus not
be used.